Among the
arts, music has been, is now, and
perhaps always will be, my primary
interest, my "one true
love." It is music alone
that can calm my fretful spirit, fill
it with thundrous power, buoy it to
ecstasy, plunge it into crushing
despair, and revive it with a breath
of glorious hope.
my belatedly blooming interest in
other art forms, and in the cultures
they portray and represent, has
prompted me to expand the Classical
Music section of this web site to
include those other varieties of
aesthetic expression so uniquely
characteristic of the human species
and spirit.
am not myself an artist in any sense
(unless one considers idle
wordsmithing an art). Yet I
find the quality of human life
profoundly affected by art in its
wondrous and vital variety.
Indeed, it is probably fair to say
that, along with philosophy and
science, art stands among those
distinguishing activities which
clearly define and enoble the human
suppose I had always felt a
mysterious attraction to the wonder
that is artboth the beautiful
and the grotesque. My
grandfather, though not an original
artist, became a fairly accomplished
amateur copyist, and the products of
his labors continue to adorn the
walls and warm the hearts of family
generations succeeding him.
Until recently, though, I was the
typical pedestrian art-fan, who
"knows what he likes," but
is in most respects naïve, even
grossly ignorant, about that which so
bewitches sense and spirit
alike. I would occasionally
visit a museum and find myself
delighted and entertained on a
superficial level, but never really
able to experience the full
captivation of an artwork, when it
penetrates beyond the viewer's
retinas and takes hold of his psyche,
linking it to that of the artist.
I belatedly began to devote some
study to painting, sculpture, and
architecture, I was astonished to
find that I was already somewhat more
knowledgeable than I had supposed;
even my fairly modest background in
history and foreign travel, it seems,
had already furnished a skeletal
framework, upon which the art of the
ages spontaneously arranged itself
into recognizable patterns,
corresponding to the styles, beliefs,
and events of various periods and
find that I have definite (if still
modestly developed and exercised)
tastes. I gravitate toward
certain of the
Monet and Morisotand the
ingenious ways in which they used
patterns of color and light to
project an image or a
feelingnot onto canvas, but
into the very mind of the viewer
himself! Even so, I find much
to absorb and savor in the art of
other cultures and periods, not only
as an appreciation of art itself, but
also as an insightful adventure to
the artist's personal milieu. I
have begun to explore the roots of my
tastes, the fascinating ways in which
one human mind can
communicateeven without
wordsacross vast gulfs of
culture, belief, distance, and
time. As an introvert, I have
long felt somewhat estranged from the
rest of humanity, yet with art I can
feel it embrace me across the seas
and the ages.
life itself, art is an adventure of
sensation and emotion and mind.
Most of all, it is
communication. If only we make
an earnest effort to connect with
art, it will in turn connect us with
all else in human experience and
imagination, from ancient to current,
assuring even the humblest among us
that we are part of that greater
living entity we call mankind.
If one could find no other reason for
existence, art would supply it.