Fourth R
Practical Philosophy

The Fourth R: Reasoning
Student Feedback / Course Evaluation

All underlined items are required.
When finished, scroll to the bottom of the form and click Submit.
All personal information submitted on this form is considered confidential and will not be shared with anyone.
Opinions may be anonymously shared with appropriate educators and leaders.
Commentary and demographic information will be used to improve the course materials, methods, and targeting.

About me: Your answers to these questions will help us focus course material toward the target audience.

Full name (surname last)    Mr.     Ms.     Dr.
E-mail address                     Check here to be notified of changes to this website.
Year of birth

Highest diploma or degree* earned in field (e.g., arts, business, engineering, sciences)
high school
trade / technical school

*"Earned" means only non-honorary degrees from fully accredited institutions.


About this course:

Your answers to these questions will help us balance the content and tone of the material.

Which sections of this course have you attempted?
Introduction    Basic Concepts        Fallacies        Symbolic Logic   Categorical Logic
                                                                    In progress
                                                                    Not attempted

What was your main reaction to each section you've attempted?
Introduction    Basic Concepts        Fallacies        Symbolic Logic   Categorical Logic

How challenging did you find each section you've attempted?
Introduction    Basic Concepts        Fallacies        Symbolic Logic   Categorical Logic
                                                                                                 Too difficult
                                                                                                 About right
                                                                                                 Too easy

How important to you is the material in each section you've attempted?
Introduction    Basic Concepts        Fallacies        Symbolic Logic   Categorical Logic
                                                                                                 Very important
                                                                                                 Moderately important
                                                                                                 Not at all important

How beneficial to you has been each section you've attempted?
Introduction    Basic Concepts        Fallacies        Symbolic Logic   Categorical Logic
                                                                                                 Very beneficial
                                                                                                 Somewhat beneficial
                                                                                                 Scarcely or not at all beneficial

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with this course?

Strongly      Somewhat                       Somewhat    Strongly
disagree      disagree       Neutral         agree          agree

                                                                This course was worth my time and effort.
                                                                I found the concepts easy to grasp and apply.
                                                                I found the language clear and understandable.
I found the language condescending.
                                                                I had to look up a lot of the words.
                                                                This course needs exercises to aid comprehension.
                                                                This course needs exercises to assess progress.
                                                                This course needs other features (explain in remarks).

Your answer to the following question will help us assess public interest in basic critical thinking courses in public education.

How much do you agree or disagree about whether the concepts in this course should be adapted for inclusion in standard high school curricula?

Strongly      Somewhat                       Somewhat    Strongly
disagree      disagree       Neutral         agree           agree

                                                                This subject should be required in public schools.
This subject should be available in public schools.
                                                                This subject should not be taught in public schools.
                                                                This subject is dangerous / subversive / sacrilegious.
                                                                Most kids are too dumb or too lazy to learn this stuff.


Questions, criticism, explanations, suggestions, and other remarks:

Enter up to 10,000 characters (about 125 full lines) of plain text:


Be sure you have responded to all required (underlined) items.
Click Submit to send this form, or click Reset to clear all entries.

Thank you for participating in the lessons and in this survey.
Although all comments are most welcome, it might not be possible to respond to all of them.
When appropriate and feasible, responses will usually be sent within a day or two.
