Tangents | ||
Created 16 Dec 2004 |
Material on this page is in the Public Domain. |
Modified 03 Jul 2011 |
Essential Physical, Chemical,
and Atomic
Properties of Elements
This page is intended as a comparative reference for those with an interest in the general properties and characteristics of elemental matter. Data are catalogued in various formats, to assist in finding information and identifying patterns.
Periodic Table of Elements | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Ia |
18 0 |
1 H 1.01 |
2 IIa |
13 IIIa |
14 IVa |
15 Va |
16 VIa |
17 VIIa |
2 He 4.00 |
3 Li 6.94 |
4 Be 9.01 |
5 B 10.8 |
6 C 12.0 |
7 N 14.0 |
8 O 16.0 |
9 F 19.0 |
10 Ne 20.2 |
11 Na 23.0 |
12 Mg 24.3 |
3 IIIb |
4 IVb |
5 Vb |
6 VIb |
7 VIIb |
8 VIIIb |
9 VIIIb |
10 VIIIb |
11 Ib |
12 IIb |
13 Al 27.0 |
14 Si 28.1 |
15 P 31.0 |
16 S 32.1 |
17 Cl 35.5 |
18 Ar 39.9 |
19 K 39.1 |
20 Ca 40.1 |
21 Sc 45.0 |
22 Ti 47.9 |
23 V 50.9 |
24 Cr 52.0 |
25 Mn 54.9 |
26 =Fe= 55.8 |
27 =Co= 58.9 |
28 =Ni= 58.7 |
29 Cu 63.5 |
30 Zn 65.4 |
31 Ga 69.7 |
32 Ge 72.6 |
33 As 74.9 |
34 Se 79.0 |
35 Br 79.9 |
36 Kr 83.8 |
37 Rb 85.5 |
38 Sr 87.6 |
39 Y 88.9 |
40 Zr 91.2 |
41 Nb 92.9 |
42 Mo 95.9 |
43 Tc 99 |
44 Ru 101 |
45 Rh 103 |
46 Pd 106 |
47 Ag 108 |
48 Cd 112 |
49 In 115 |
50 Sn 119 |
51 Sb 122 |
52 Te 128 |
53 I 127 |
54 Xe 131 |
55 Cs 133 |
56 Ba 137 |
La- Lu ▼ |
72 Hf 178 |
73 Ta 181 |
74 W 184 |
75 Re 186 |
76 Os 190 |
77 Ir 192 |
78 Pt 195 |
79 Au 197 |
80 Hg 201 |
81 Tl 204 |
82 Pb 207 |
83 Bi 208 |
84 Po 209 |
85 At 210 |
86 Rn 222 |
87 Fr 223 |
88 Ra 226 |
Ac- Lr ▼ |
104 Rf 261 |
105 Db 268 |
106 Sg 271 |
107 Bh 270 |
108 Hs 269 |
109 Mt 278 |
110 Ds 281 |
111 Rg 281 |
112 Cn 285 |
Lanthanide series ► |
57 La 139 |
58 Ce 140 |
59 Pr 141 |
60 Nd 144 |
61 Pm 145 |
62 Sm 150 |
63 Eu 152 |
64 Gd 157 |
65 Tb 159 |
66 Dy 163 |
67 Ho 165 |
68 Er 167 |
69 Tm 169 |
70 Yb 173 |
71 Lu 175 |
Actinide series ► |
89 Ac 227 |
90 Th 232 |
91 Pa 231 |
92 U 238 |
93 Np 237 |
94 Pu 244 |
95 Am 243 |
96 Cm 247 |
97 Bk 247 |
98 Cf 251 |
99 Es 254 |
100 Fm 257 |
101 Md 258 |
102 No 259 |
103 Lr 260 |
General Qualities of Major Element Groups | |||||
Type | Group | Description | State (@ r.t.) | ||
alkali metals | Ia (1) |
Highly electropositive elements, typical valence +1, metallic properties in solid phase, violently reactive with water (except hyderogen). |
S o |
L i |
G a |
alkaline earth metals | IIa (2) |
Strongly electropositive metals, typical valence +2. |
l i |
q u |
s |
transition metals | Ib-VIIIb (3-12) |
Includes most common metals of moderate chemical reactivity. | d |
i d |
lanthanide series | IIIb (3) |
A subgroup of transition metals, also classified as rare earths. | |||
actinide series | IIIb (3) |
A subgroup of transition metals, also classified as rare earths, all radioactive. | |||
post-transition metals | IIIa-VIa (13-16) |
Weakly electropositive metals. | |||
non-metals | IIIa-VIa (13-16) |
Non-metallic and semi-metallic solids, and gases, of reactivity ranging from slightly reducing to strongly oxidizing. | |||
halogens | VIIa (17) |
Highly electronegative elements, typical valence -1, very toxic, range from solid to gaseous. | |||
noble gases | 0 (18) |
Highly unreactive gases. | |||
Many elementseven the lightest, hydrogenhave more than one isotope, and some of these may be radioactive. All known isotopes of technetium (43) and promethium (61), as well as all elements with atomic numbers greater than that of bismuth (83), are radioactive. |
Specific Properties & Characteristics of
Elements arranged numerically by atomic number Unless otherwise noted, standard temperature (0°C) and pressure (1000 millibars) are assumed. |
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
1 | H | hydrogen | 1.008 | 1, 2, 3 | 1 | -259 | -253 | 8.987 ×10-5 | Lightest
and most abundant element in the universe, present on
earth combined with numerous other elements to form
water, ammonia, carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, acids,
bases, and many other substances. Chemically similar to alkali metals, but can also behave as a halogen. H-3 (tritium) > He-3 + b. |
2 | He | helium | 4.0026 | 4, 3 | 0 | < -272 | -268 | 1.785 ×10-4 | Second
most abundant element in the universe but scarce on
earth. Produced underground by radioactive decay (a
emission) of other
elements. Used as a flotation agent in blimps and dirigibles, a gas-displacement medium for deep-sea diving, and as a supercoolant. |
3 | Li | lithium | 6.941 | 7 | 1 | 179 | 1342 | 0.534 | Reactive, silver-white metal; lightest of all metals. | ||||||||||||
4 | Be | beryllium | 9.0122 | 9 | 2 | 1287 | 2469 | 1.848 | Lightweight, rigid, corrosion-resistant, steel-gray metal. Used as aerospace structural material, and as moderators and reflectors in nuclear reactors. Alloyed with Cu for use in springs and electrical contacts. | ||||||||||||
5 | B | boron | 10.811 | 11 | 3 | 2076 | 3927 | 2.34 | Soft brown non-metal, amorphous and crystalline allotropes. Used in abrasives, propellant mixtures, reactor control rods. | ||||||||||||
6 | C | carbon | 12.0112 | 11, 12, 13, 14 | 4, 3, 2 | 3642* | 3642 | 1.8 3.53 |
block of all organic compounds. Four allotropes:
graphite, lampblack, diamond, and buckminsterfullerene. N-14 + neutron > C-14 + proton. C-14 > N-14 + b, half-life 5730 yr. *Sublimation; no liquid phase. |
7 | N | nitrogen | 14.0067 | 14 | 3, 5 | -209.9 | -195.8 | 1.251 ×10-3 |
Most abundant element in earth's atmosphere (80%). Essential component of ammonia, amino acids, cyanides, and many other chemicals. In liquid form serves as a refrigerant. | ||||||||||||
8 | O | oxygen | 15.9994 | 16 | 2 | -218.8 | -183.0 | 1.429 ×10-3 | Very electronegative gas. Most abundant element on earth's surface, present in rock, water (combined with numerous other elements), and in air as O2 freed by photosynthesis in plants. | ||||||||||||
9 | F | fluorine | 18.9984 | 19 | 1 | -227.5 -219.6 |
-188.1 | 1.696 ×10-3 | Pale yellow gas. Most reactive halogen, most electronegative element; never found free in nature, but always in compounds, such as fluorite. | ||||||||||||
10 | Ne | neon | 20.1797 | 20 | 0 | -248.6 | -246.1 | 9.002 ×10-4 |
Colorless inert gas, glows red-orange in an electrical discharge. Trace amounts in atmosphere, used in lighting and display devices. | ||||||||||||
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
11 | Na | sodium | 22.9898 | 23 | 1 | 97.72 | 883 | 0.971 | Soft, light, silver white metal. Very reactive, found only in compounds; component of NaCl, table salt. | ||||||||||||
12 | Mg | magnesium | 24.3050 | 24 | 2 | 650 | 1091 | 1.74 (@20°C) | Silver-white metal, burns with brilliant white flame. Occurs naturally only in compounds, such as minerals and salts. | ||||||||||||
13 | Al | aluminum | 26.9815 | 27 | 3 | 660.3 | 2519 | 2.70 | Ductile, silver-white metal. Ores in clays such as bauxite. Metal is good electrical and thermal conductor, forms non-shedding surface oxide, is used in applications requiring structural strength and light weight. | ||||||||||||
14 | Si | silicon | 28.0855 | 28 | 4 | 1414 | 3265 | 2.33 | Abundant (28% of earth crust) in form of SiO2 and silicates: feldspar, mica, quartz, present in most rocks, sand, and soil. Used in building materials, glass, and semiconductors. | ||||||||||||
15 | P | phosphorus | 30.9738 | 31 | 3, 5 | 44.2 620 |
280.5 620 |
1.823 2.69 |
Reactive, toxic non-metal with 4 allotropes: white, red, violet, and black. A key component of biochemistry. Occurs naturally in phosphates; used in fertilizers, detergents, matches, pesticides. | ||||||||||||
16 | S | sulfur | 32.065 | 32 | 2, 4, 6 | 112.8 119.0 |
444.6 | 1.92 2.07 |
Allotropes: light yellow crystal, amorphous. | ||||||||||||
17 | Cl | chlorine | 35.453 | 35 | 1, 3, 5, 7 | -101.5 | -34.04 |
3.2 ×10-3 |
Yellow-green gas. Occurs naturally in compounds, such as NaCl, table salt. | ||||||||||||
18 | Ar | argon | 39.948 | 40 | 0 | -189.4 | -185.9 | 1.784 ×10-3 |
Colorless inert gas comprises about 1% of earth's atmosphere. Used in incandescent bulbs, fluorescent and vacuum tubes, and in arc welding. | ||||||||||||
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
19 | K | potassium | 39.098 | 39, 40 | 1 | 63.38 | 759 | 0.862 | Highly reactive, soft, silver-white metal. Its hydroxide and salts are used in soap and fertilizer. K-40 > Ar-40, half-life 1.3×109 yr, | ||||||||||||
20 | Ca | calcium | 40.078 | 40 | 2 | 842 848 |
1484 | 1.55 | Moderately hard silver-white metal. Abundant (3% of earth crust) as CaCO3 in limestone, gypsum, fluorite. | ||||||||||||
21 | Sc | scandium | 44.956 | 45 | 3 | 1541 | 2836 | 2.99 | Silver-white metal, sometimes classified as a rare-earth element. | ||||||||||||
22 | Ti | titanium | 47.867 | 48 | 2, 3, 4 | 1668 | 3287 | 4.54 | Light, corrosion-resistant, lustrous white metal. Brittle in its pure state, but makes strong alloys suitable for lightweight applications such as aircraft. | ||||||||||||
23 | V | vanadium | 50.942 | 51 | 2, 3, 4, 5 | 1910 | 3407 | 6.11 | One of the hardest of all metals, with numerous applications in industry and tools. | ||||||||||||
24 | Cr | chromium | 51.996 | 52 | 2, 3, 6 | 1907 | 2671 | 7.19 | Hard, tarnish- and corrosion-resistant, lustrous steel-gray metal. Its ore is chromite, FeCr2O3. Used in steel alloys and as decorative plating. | ||||||||||||
25 | Mn | manganese | 54.938 | 55 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 | 1246 | 2061 | 7.21 | Gray-white metal. Used in ferromagnetic alloys. | ||||||||||||
26 | Fe | iron | 55.845 | 56 | 2, 3, 4, 6 | 1538 | 2862 | 7.874 | Strong, ductile, malleable, ferromagnetic silver-white metal. Moderately abundant ores include hematite and pyrite. Used in many applications, and the primary ingredient in steel. | ||||||||||||
27 | Co | cobalt | 58.933 | 59, 60 | 2, 3 | 1495 | 2927 | 8.90 | Hard,
brittle metal. Used for magnetic alloys, and its salts
are used in blue glass and ceramic pigments. Co-60 half-life 5.7 yr, used in industry and radiation therapy. |
28 | Ni | nickel | 58.693 | 59 | 0, 1, 2, 3 | 1455 | 2913 | 8.908 | Hard, brittle, ferromagnetic metal used for battery electrodes and electroplating. | ||||||||||||
29 | Cu | copper | 63.546 | 64 | 1, 2 | 1085 | 2562 | 8.96 | Ductile red-brown metal, good electrical & thermal conductor. Used in wiring and plumbing. Also alloyed with Sn to produce bronze, and with Zn to produce brass. | ||||||||||||
30 | Zn | zinc | 65.38 | 65 | 2 | 419.5 | 907 | 7.14 | Brittle gray metal. Used in castings and electrodes, and also as a corrosion-inhibiting electroplated coating. Alloyed with Cu to make brass. | ||||||||||||
31 | Ga | gallium | 69.723 | 70 | 2, 3 | 29.76 | 2204 | 5.91 | Rare, glue-gray metal, melts near room temperature. Used in semiconductor technology. | ||||||||||||
32 | Ge | germanium | 72.63 | 73 | 2, 4 | 938.3 | 2833 | 5.323 | Brittle, gray-white semimetal, used in semiconductors. | ||||||||||||
33 | As | arsenic | 74.922 | 75 | 3, 5 | 615* | 615 | 5.73 | Highly
toxic semimetal with 3 allotropes: gray and black
metallic forms, and a yellow nonmetal. Used in pesticides
and as semiconductor doping agent. *No liquid phase at pressure < 28 atmospheres. |
34 | Se | selenium | 78.96 | 79 | 2, 4, 6 | 221 | 685 | 4.28 4.81 |
Semimetal, with several allotropes: black vitreous, red powder, red crystals, and lustrous gray crystals, similar to sulfur. Used in rectifiers and in xerography. | ||||||||||||
35 | Br | bromine | 79.904 | 80 | 1, 3, 5, 7 | -7.2 | 58.8 | 3.19 | Dark brown, volatile liquid at room temperature, forms reddish gas. Used in gasoline anti-knock compounds, fumigants, and photographic chemicals. | ||||||||||||
36 | Kr | krypton | 83.798 | 84 | -157.4 | -153.2 | 3.73 ×10-3 |
Whitish inert gas, used in gas-discharge and fluorescent lamps for exceptionally penetrating light. | |||||||||||||
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
37 | Rb | rubidium | 85.468 | 85, 87 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 39.31 | 688 | 1.532 | Soft,
silver-white metal. Ignites spontaneously in air. Found
in many minerals and mineral water, as well as in coffee,
tea, tobacco, and other plants. Used in photocells. Rb-87 > Sr-87 + b, half-life 4.7×1010. |
38 | Sr | strontium | 87.62 | 88, 85, 87, 90 | 2 | 777 | 1382 | 2.64 | Silvery
metal. Burns bright red, used in flares and fireworks. Sr-85 used to detect bone cancer; Sr-90 emits b, half-life 27 yr. |
39 | Y | yttrium | 88.906 | 89 | 3 | 1526 | 3336 | 4.472 | Silvery metal, used to increase strength of Mg and Al alloys, and in color CRT phosphors. | ||||||||||||
40 | Zr | zirconium | 91.224 | 91 | 2, 3, 4 | 1855 | 4409 | 6.56 | Two allotropes: blue-black powder and soft, lustrous gray-white metal. Used in porcelain and alloys. | ||||||||||||
41 | Nb | niobium / columbium | 92.906 | 93 | 2, 3, 5 | 2477 | 4744 | 8.57 | Soft, silvery metal, often found in ores with Ta. Used in arc welding, superconductor research, and as a component of stainless steel. | ||||||||||||
42 | Mo | molybdenum | 95.96 | 96 | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 2623 | 4639 | 10.28 | Hard, silver-white metal, used in alloys, fertilizers, dyes, enamels, reagents. | ||||||||||||
43 | Tc | technetium | 98 | 90-111 | 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 | 2157 | 4265 | 11 | First
artificially created element (later found in nature in
trace quantities). Tc-99 half-life 4.2×106 yr. |
44 | Ru | ruthenium | 101.07 | 101.07 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | 2334 | 4150 | 12.45 | Hard, acid-resistant white metal, used in hardened and superconducting alloys. | ||||||||||||
45 | Rh | rhodium | 102.905 | 102.906 | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 1964 | 2237 | 12.41 | Hard, durable, silver-white metal. Used in electroplating for a highly reflective and corrosion-resistant coating. | ||||||||||||
46 | Pd | palladium | 106.42 | 106 | 2, 3, 4 | 1555 | 3236 | 12.023 | Soft, steel-white, tarnish-resistant metal. Absorbs H. Used in electrical contacts, jewelry, watches, and surgical instruments. | ||||||||||||
47 | Ag | silver | 107.868 | 108 | 1, 2 | 961.8 | 2162 | 10.50 | Malleable, lustrous white metal. Used in jewelry, tableware, photography, and alloy soldering. | ||||||||||||
48 | Cd | cadmium | 112.411 | 112 | 2 | 321.1 | 767 | 8.65 | Soft, blue-white metal. Used in low-friction alloys, dental amalgams, Ni-Cd batteries, nuclear reactor shields, and rustproof electroplating. | ||||||||||||
49 | In | indium | 114.818 | 115 | 1, 2, 3 | 156.6 | 2072 | 7.31 | Soft, malleable, silver-white metal, used in alloy bearings and reactor control rods. | ||||||||||||
50 | Sn | tin | 118.710 | 119 | 2, 4 | 231.9 | 2602 | 5.789 7.365 |
Malleable, silvery metal. Used to coat other metals, and as part of solder, pewter, type metal, and bronze. | ||||||||||||
51 | Sb | antimony | 121.760 | 122 | 3, 5 | 630.6 | 1587 | 6.697 | Metal with 4 allotropes, most common of which is hard, brittle, lustrous silver-white crystalline substance. Used in alloys, ceramics, flame-proofing, paint, and storage batteries. | ||||||||||||
52 | Te | tellurium | 127.60 | 128 | 2, 4, 6 | 449.5 | 988 | 6.24 | Brittle silver-white metal, used in alloys and ceramics. | ||||||||||||
53 | I | iodine | 126.904 | 127, 131 | 1, 3, 5, 7 | 113.7 | 184.3 | 4.933 | Toxic, gray-black or purple solid. Used as an antiseptic and in thyroid treatment. | ||||||||||||
54 | Xe | xenon | 131.293 | 131 | 0 | -111.7 | -108.1 | 5.894 ×10-3 | Once believed inert, forms some compounds. Used in stroboscopic and laser pumping lamps. | ||||||||||||
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
55 | Cs | cesium | 132.905 | 133, 137 | 1 | 28.44 | 671 | 1.93 | Soft, silver-white metal, liquefies near room temperature. Most electropositive element, except for Fr. Used in photoelectric cells. | ||||||||||||
56 | Ba | barium | 137.33 | 137 | 2 | 727 | 1897 | 3.51 | Soft, silver-white alkaline-earth metal. Its compounds are used in fireworks (BaNO3), pesticides (BaCO3), rubber products and paint (BaSO4). | ||||||||||||
57 | La | lanthanum | 138.905 | 139 | 3 | 920 | 3464 | 6.162 | Soft, silver-white rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
58 | Ce | cerium | 140.116 | 140 | 3, 4 | 795 | 3443 | 6.70 | Lustrous iron-gray rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
59 | Pr | praseodymium | 140.908 | 141 | 3, 4 | 935 | 3520 | 6.77 | Soft, silvery rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
60 | Nd | neodymium | 144.242 | 144 | 3 | 1024 | 3074 | 7.01 | Bright, silvery rare-earth metal; allotropes. | ||||||||||||
61 | Pm | promethium | 145 |
141-154 (14) |
3 | 1042 | 3000 | 7.26 | Artificially created by U fission or neutron bombardment of Nd. Emits b. | ||||||||||||
62 | Sm | samarium | 150.36 | 150 | 2, 3 | 1072 | 1794 | 7.52 | Pale gray rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
63 | Eu | europium | 151.964 | 152 | 2, 3 | 826 | 1529 | 5.264 | Soft, silvery rare-earth metal. Fluoresces red when struck by b, absorbs neutrons. | ||||||||||||
64 | Gd | gadolinium | 157.25 | 157 | 3 | 1312 | 3273 | 7.90 | Silver-white rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
65 | Tb | terbium | 158.925 | 159 | 3, 4 | 1356 | 3230 | 8.23 | Soft, silver-gray rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
66 | Dy | dysprosium | 162.500 | 162 | 3 | 1407 | 2840 | 8.540 | Soft, silvery rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
67 | Ho | holmium | 164.930 | 165 | 3 | 1461 | 2720 | 8.79 | Stable, silvery rare-earth metal; highly paramagnetic. | ||||||||||||
68 | Er | erbium | 167.259 | 167 | 3 | 1529 | 2868 | 9.066 | Soft, silvery rare-earth metal. | ||||||||||||
69 | Tm | thulium | 168.934 | 169 | 2, 3 | 1545 | 1950 | 9.32 | Bright silver-gray rare-earth metal, used in portable X-ray machines. | ||||||||||||
70 | Yb | ytterbium | 173.054 | 173 | 2, 3 | 824 | 1196 | 6.9 | Soft, bright silvery rare-earth metal use in portable irradiation devices. | ||||||||||||
71 | Lu | lutetium | 174.967 | 175 | 3 | 1652 | 3402 | 9.841 | Rare,
silver-white rare-earth metal. Lu-? half-life 3×1010 yr. used for dating meteorites. |
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
72 | Hf | hafnium | 178.49 | 178 | 4 | 2233 | 4603 | 13.31 | Bright silver metal. | ||||||||||||
73 | Ta | tantalum | 180.948 | 181 | 2, 3, 4, 5 | 3017 | 5458 | 16.6 | Very hard gray metal, resistant to chemical action below 150°C. | ||||||||||||
74 | W | tungsten | 183.84 | 184 | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 3422 | 5555 | 19.3 | Highest melting point and lowest vapor pressure of any metal. Used in high-temperature applications, such as incandescent lamp filaments. | ||||||||||||
75 | Re | rhenium | 186.207 | 186 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | 3186 | 5596 | 21.02 | Very hard metal, highest melting point except for tungsten, highest boiling point of any element. | ||||||||||||
76 | Os | osmium | 190.23 | 190 | 2, 3, 4, 8 | 3033 | 5012 | 22.59 | Hard, blue-white metal, the densest element. Used as a platinum hardener, and in pen points and instrument pivots. | ||||||||||||
77 | Ir | iridium | 192.217 | 192 | 3, 4 | 2466 | 4428 | 22.56 | Very hard, brittle, corrosion-resistant, yellow-white metal, the second-densest element. Used in high-temperature materials, electrical contacts, and water-resistant bearings. | ||||||||||||
78 | Pt | platinum | 196.084 | 195 | 2, 3, 4 | 1768 | 3825 | 21.45 | Rare, ductile, malleable, silver-white metal. Does not oxidize in air, and is one of few metals found free in nature. Used as catalyst and in electrical components, electroplating, dentistry, and jewelry. | ||||||||||||
79 | Au | gold | 196.967 | 197 | 1, 3 | 1064 | 2856 | 19.32 | Rare, soft, very unreactive yellow metal, one of few found free in nature. Used in jewelry and electrical contacts. | ||||||||||||
80 | Hg | mercury | 200.59 | 201 | 1, 2 | -38.83 | 356.7 | 13.546 | Toxic, shiny, silvery liquid metal. Usually found as a sulfide in cinnabar. Used in barometers, thermometers, vapor lamps, and batteries. | ||||||||||||
81 | Tl | thallium | 204.383 | 204 | 1, 3 | 304 | 1473 | 11.85 | Soft, malleable, toxic metal used in photocells. | ||||||||||||
82 | Pb | lead | 207.2 | 204, 206, 207, 208 | 2, 4 | 327.5 | 1749 | 11.35 | Soft,
dense, toxic, blue-gray metal. Usually extracted from its
sulfide galena. Used in storage batteries, radiation
shields, weights, type metal, solder, bullets, and paint. U-238 > Pb-206; Ac > Pb-207; Th > Pb-208. |
83 | Bi | bismuth | 208.980 | 209, 210, 214 | 3, 5 | 271.5 | 1564 | 9.78 | Pinkish metal. Highly diamagnetic, poor electrical and thermal conductor. Expands on solidifying, so is useful in castings. | ||||||||||||
84 | Po | polonium | 209 | 192-218 | 2, 4 | 254 | 962 | 9.196 9.398 |
Naturally radioactive metal, produced by Ra decay, or by neutron bombardment of Bi or Pb. Po-210 emits a, half-life 138.39 da. | ||||||||||||
85 | At | astatine | 210 | 200-219 | 1, 3, 5, 7 | 302 | 337 | 8 | Densest
and most metal-like halogen. Naturally radioactive and very unstable. At-210 half-life 8.3 hr. Rarest naturally occurring element. |
86 | Rn | radon | 222 | 222, 220, 219 (19) | 0 | -71.15 | -61.85 | 9.9 ×10-3 |
radioactive and densest noble gas, formed by decay,
Ra-226 > Rn-222; Ac > Rn-219; Th > Rn-220. Rn-222 emits neutrons, half-life 3.82 da. |
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
87 | Fr | francium | 223 | (19) | 1 | 27? | 677? | 1.8? | Most
electropositive alkali metal, probably liquid at room
temperature. Fr-223 half-life 21 min. Second rarest naturally occurring element. |
88 | Ra | radium | 226 |
213-230 (13) |
2 | 700 | 1737 | 5.5 | Radioactive
alkaline-earth metal. U > Ra-226. Ra-226 (half-life 1622 yr.) > Rn + a & neutron. |
89 | Ac | actinium | 227 | 209-234 | 3 | 1050 | 3198 | 10 | Silvery
metal; emits blue glow. U-235 > Ac-227; Th-232 > Ac-228. Ac-227 (half-life 21.7 yr.) emits a, |
90 | Th | thorium | 232.038 | 212-236 | 4 | 2842 | 4788 | 11.7 | Silver-white
metal. Th-232 half-life 1.41x1010 yr. |
91 | Pa | protactinium | 231.036 | 215-238 | 1568 | 4027? | 15.37 | Lustrous silvery
metal. Pa-231 (half-life 32480 yr.) > Ac-227 + a. |
92 | U | uranium | 238.029 | 238, 234, 235, 233, 237, 239 | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 1132 | 4131 | 19.1 | Toxic,
silver-white metal. Used in research, nuclear fuel,
nuclear weapons. U-238 (half-life 4.51x109 yr.) > Pb-206 U-235 half-life 7.13x108 yr. |
93 | Np | neptunium | 237 | 228-242 | 637 | 4000 | 20.45 | Np-237 half-life 2.14x106 yr. | |||||||||||||
94 | Pu | plutonium | 244 | 244, 239 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | 639.4 | 3228 | 19.816 | Silvery metal.
PU-239 used in nuclear fuel, nuclear weapons. Pu-244 half-life 7.6x107 yr. |
95 | Am | americium | 243 | 237-246 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | 1176 | 2607 | 12 | Silver-white metal. Am-243 > a, half-life 7950 yr. |
96 | Cm | curium | 247 | 247, 244 (13) | 3 | 1340 | 3110 | 13.51 | Silvery
metal. Cm-247 half-life 1.64x107 yr. |
97 | Bk | berkelium | 247 |
242-251 (10) |
3, 4 | 986 |
13.75 14.78 |
Bk-247 half-life 1380 yr. | |||||||||||||
98 | Cf | californium | 251 | 244-254 | 900 | 1470 | 15.1 | Cf-251 (half-life 800 yr.) emits neutrons. | |||||||||||||
99 | Es | einsteinium | 252 | 253-256 | 860 | 8.84 | Es-254 half-life 276 da. | ||||||||||||||
100 | Fm | fermium | 257 |
248-257 (10) |
1527 | Fm-257 half-life 100 da. | |||||||||||||||
101 | Md | mendelevium | 258 | 258, 256, 255 | 827 | Md-256 half-life 1.5 hr. | |||||||||||||||
102 | No | nobelium | 259 | 250-262 | 4000 | No-255 half-life 3 min. | |||||||||||||||
103 | Lr | lawrencium | 262 | 255-260 | Lr-260 half-life 3 min. | ||||||||||||||||
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks | ||||||||||||
104 | Rf | rutherfordium | 261.11 |
261-268 (6) |
2100 | 5500 | 23? | Bright
silver metal. Rf-267 half-life 1.3 hr. |
105 | Db | dubnium | 268 |
262-270 (6) |
Ds-268 half-life 29 hr. | ||||||||||||||||
106 | Sg | seaborgium | 271 |
258-271 (12) |
Sg-269 half-life 2.1 min. | ||||||||||||||||
107 | Bh | bohrium | 270 |
267-274 (5) |
Bh-270 half-life 61 sec. | ||||||||||||||||
108 | Hs | hassium | 269 |
263-277 (14) |
Hs-277 half-life ~11 min. | ||||||||||||||||
109 | Mt | meitnerium | 278 |
266-278 (5) |
Mt-270m half-life 1.1 sec. | ||||||||||||||||
110 | Ds | darmstadtium | 281 |
267-281 (11) |
Ds-281b half-life 3.7 min. | ||||||||||||||||
111 | Rg | roentgenium | 281 |
272-282 (7) |
Rg-281 half-life ~26 sec. | ||||||||||||||||
112 | Cn | coperinicium | 285 |
277-285 (8) |
Cn-283 half-life 4 min. | ||||||||||||||||
At.# | Sym. | Name | At.Wt. | Iso- topes |
Val. | Melt (°C) |
Boil (°C) |
Sp.Gr. | Remarks |
Cross-Reference Tables | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||