Created: 06 Dec 1998 Information on this page is in the public domain.
HST "Deep Field" image courtesy of NASA.
Modified: 28 Jul 2018 






PERSPECTIVE:  In the universe of the ancients, astronomy and astrology are synonymous.  The "planets,"or wandering bodies, include those as far out as Saturn, plus the Sun and Moon, the most distant ones being invisible to the naked eye.  It is commonly believed that the "evening star" (Venus) and the "morning star" (Lucifer) are two separate objects.  The Earth is not considered a planet, nor a celestial body of any kind for that matter, but entirely separate from "the heavens."

  • THE STARS are observed to exhibit a fixed pattern (firmament) which undergoes an annual cycle.

  • THE PLANETS* — Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn — are seen to move independently of the fixed stars and of each other.

  • THE SUN rises and sets daily, but its rising and setting times, as well as its noonday height above the horizon, vary in an annual cycle corresponding to the seasons.

  • THE MOON rises and sets daily, but almost an hour later each day. In areas bordering the sea, its rising and setting are noted to correspond to the tides.

  • THE PHASES OF THE MOON are noted occur regularly over a period of about 29.5 days, and correspond to the height of ocean tides.

  • ECLIPSES seem to occur irregularly, and are widely believed to be omens of disaster.

  • METEORS are believed to be atmospheric in origin (their name deriving from Meteora, the Greek goddess of weather).

  • COMETS are believed to be cosmic messengers of great joy or great peril, triumph or defeat.


PERSPECTIVE:  During the early millennia of human history, the diameter of the universe is reckoned at a few thousand kilometers—the extent of the explored portion of the Earth.  Celestial objects are believed to be a only few (or at most a few thousand) kilometers above Earth's surface.

  • c 2800 BCE: The original Stonehenge is established, probably for the joint purposes of astronomy and religious rites.

  • c 2400 BCE: Sumerian scribes develop a calendar having twelve 30-day months (360 days per year).

  • c 1500 BCE: Egyptian astronomers have determined that the Sun's annual cycle against the background of stars lasts approximately 365 days.

  • 1361 BCE: Chinese astronomers make the first observational record of a lunar eclipse.

  • 1217 BCE: Chinese astronomers make the first observational record of a solar eclipse.

  • c 420 BCE: Democritus advances a theory that all matter is composed of minute, indivisible particles, which he calls "atoms."

  • c 400 BCE: Babylonian astronomers can predict with precision the daily positions of the Sun and Moon for each day of the lunar month.

  • c 350 BCE: Aristotle formally states the prevailing opinion of the day, that the Earth is fixed at the center of the universe, and that all the celestial bodies revolve about it in complex patterns.

  • c 300 BCE: Euclid applies rules of logic to mathematics and geometry.

  • c 270 BCE: Aristarchus of Samos proposes that the Earth circles the Sun rather than vice versa; however, although the Greeks accept that the Earth is spherical, the idea that it moves is generally rejected.

  • 235 BCE: Eratosthenes calculates the diameter of Earth and the distances to Sun and Moon. (He is about 15% off, but remarkably close considering he is working with the shadows cast by sticks.)

PERSPECTIVE:  By the beginning of the Current Era the diameter of the Sun-Earth orbit has been calculated to be about three hundred million kilometers.  Even so, the prevailing image of a relatively compact physical universe, with the Earth at its center, has remained essentially unchanged since the dawn of history.

  • 128 CE: Theon of Smyrna observes a transit of Venus across the Sun's disk, a phenomenon incompatible with a geocentric universe; he proposes that Venus and Mercury orbit the Sun rather than the Earth.

  • c 150 CE: Hipparchus discovers the precession of the equinoxes and calculates the length of the solar year to within 6.5 seconds of the currently accepted value.

  • c 140 CE: Ptolemy formulates a model of Aristotle's geocentric universe, speculating that the stars and other celestial objects are embedded in rotating crystal spheres.

  • c 800 CE: Incas construct an astronomical altar which accurately measures movements of the Sun and Moon.

  • 1054: Chinese astronomers observe a brilliant "new star" (nova), visible in daylight, in the constellation Taurus. It subsequently fades to invisibility over a period of weeks. (The recorded position of this star corresponds to the location of the telescopic object known today as the Crab Nebula (M1), which features a rapidly rotating neutron star at its center.)

  • 1066: The appearance of a comet (later determined to be comet Halley) is taken as an omen by both sides in the Battle of Hastings.

  • 1178: Canterbury monks report seeing "fire" (probably a meteor impact) on one of the horns of the new moon.

  • 1521: Ferdinand Magellan observes the Magellanic Clouds during his circumnavigation of the Earth.

  • 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus publishes his heliocentric theory, that the Earth and other planets follow circular orbits about the Sun (rather than everything revolving in complicated orbits about the Earth as had been previously believed).

  • 1572: Tycho Brahe observes a supernova.

  • 1609: Johannes Kepler refines orbital theory, describing planetary paths as elliptical rather than circular and thus resolving discrepancies with recorded observations.


PERSPECTIVE:  At the beginning of this era the diameter of the universe is reckoned at a few hundred million kilometers—the diameter of the Sun-Earth orbit, plus some margin for the visible planets.  In Europe most knowledge about the universe is derived from the Bible and the writings of Aristotle and Plato.  Although much of this "knowledge" is false, questioning it publicly can be dangerous, even fatal.  Astronomy and astrology begin to diverge following Galileo's telescopic observations.

  • 1609: Galileo Galilei, using a telescope, discovers the Sun's rotation, the phases of Venus, and Jupiter's four largest satellites, Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io.

  • 1610: Nicholas Pieresc discovers the nebula in the constellation Orion.

  • 1611: Christoph Scheiner safely observes the Sun by projecting a telescopic image onto a white surface.

  • 1611: Simon Marius observes the nebula in the constellation Andromeda.

  • 1644: Johannes Hevelius discovers the phases of Mercury.

  • 1651: In a posthumously published book, William Gilbert has proposed that the stars are not all the same distance from Earth, and that the planets are held in orbit by magnetism.

  • 1655: Christiaan Huygens discovers Titan, largest of Saturn's satellites.

  • 1659: Huygens identifies the odd protrusions on telescopic images of Saturn as a ring around the planet.

  • 1660: Otto von Güricke proposes that comets return periodically.

  • 1664: Giovanni Cassini notes that the planet Jupiter rotates once every nine hours.

  • 1666: Isaac Newton develops calculus in order to calculate the orbit of the Moon accurately.

  • 1666: Cassini observes polar ice caps on Mars.

  • 1672: Cassini and Jean Richer use parallax from two separate locations on Earth's surface to measure the distance of Mars from Earth.

  • 1675: Cassini observes a dark division in Saturn's ring, and speculates that the ring is not a single unit, but is made up of a multitude of small objects in orbit around the planet.

  • 1682: Edmund Halley observes the comet which now bears his name.

  • 1687: Newton formulates his Law of Universal Gravitation and Laws of Motion.

  • 1705: Halley accurately calculates an orbital period of approximately 76 years for the 1682 comet, using Newton's laws of motion.

  • 1718: Halley discovers, upon studying the observations of Ptolemy, that some supposedly fixed stars have shifted position over the centuries and therefore have "proper motions."

  • 1728: James Bradley calculates the velocity of light.

  • 1759: Newton's laws of motion are confirmed by observations of the return of comet Halley.

  • 1760: Charles Messier begins compiling a catalogue of nebulae, so that they can be readily distinguished from comets.

  • 1781: William Herschel discovers the seventh planet, Uranus.

  • 1784: John Goodricke makes the first identification of a Cepheid variable star (Delta Cephei).

  • 1801: Giuseppe Piazzi discovers the asteroid Ceres (the first of thousands) between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

  • 1840: Friedrich Bessel deduces the existence of an eighth planet from irregularities in the orbit of Uranus.

  • 1842: Christian Johann Doppler explains the apparent shift in frequency of sounds emitted by objects moving toward or away from an observer.

  • 1846: Johann Galle discovers the eighth planet, Neptune.

  • 1861: Gustav Kirchhoff uses spectrum analysis to determine the composition of the Sun's atmosphere.

  • 1864: William Huggins demonstrates that the Andromeda nebula (M31) consists of stars rather than gases, and is therefore a galaxy.

  • 1887: The unexpected result of an experiment by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley inadvertently demonstrates the constant velocity of light relative to any vantage point, moving or fixed.

PERSPECTIVE:  By the beginning of the 20th Century CE, our solar system is known to extend to Neptune, whose orbit has a radius of 4,500,000,000 kilometers (30 astronomic units), triple that of Saturn's.  The distance to the stars is now known to be far too great to be measured in terrestrial units; at this time the Andromeda galaxy is the most distant object known, estimated to be perhaps a few hundred thousand light-years away.

  • 1905: Percival Lowell predicts the existence of a ninth planet, from anomalies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.

  • 1905: Albert Einstein formulates his Special Theory of Relativity.

  • 1908: An aerial explosion in Siberia flattens 2,000 km² of forest near the Tunguska River. Because no remains of a meteor impact have been detected, the cause is considered to be a cometary fragment entering Earth's atmosphere.

  • 1912: Henrietta Leavitt discovers a relationship between the luminosity and period of Cepheid variable stars.

  • 1913: Ejnar Hertzsprung devises a method of determining the distances of Cepheid variable stars from their apparent luminosity.

  • 1913: Henry Russell shows the correlation between a star's brightness and its spectrum.

  • 1913: First use of light-spectrum Doppler shift to measure velocities of celestial objects.

  • 1915: Einstein advances his General Theory of Relativity.

  • 1916: Karl Schwarzschild's solution to Einstein's gravitational field equations predicts the existence of black holes.

  • 1917: Harlow Shapley determines that our solar system is 30,000 light-years from the central plane of the Milky Way, rather than near the center of the galaxy as previously supposed.

  • 1919: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is confirmed by observations during a solar eclipse.

  • 1920: Michelson uses stellar interferometry to measure the diameter of a star (Betelgeuse).

  • 1920: Jan Van Oort determines that the Milky Way galaxy rotates, and calculates the distance of our Sun from the center of the galaxy.

  • 1922: A 20-ton meteorite lands in a field in Virginia, creating a 46 square-meter crater.

  • 1924: Edwin Hubble determines the distance to certain Cepheid variables and finds that they are outside the Milky Way.

  • 1927: Georges Lemaître proposes that the universe originated in a "primordial atom" (precursor of "Big Bang" theory).

  • 1929: Hubble discovers that the universe is expanding, as evidenced by the Doppler red-shift of distant galaxies.

  • 1930: Clyde Tombaugh discovers the ninth planet, Pluto, using Lowell's 1905 calculations.

  • 1932: Karl Jansky detects radio-frequency noise emanating from the Milky Way, initiating the field of radio-astronomy.

  • 1943: Grote Reber detects radio-frequency emissions from the Sun.

  • 1948: George Gamow and Ralph Alpher formulate equations describing the universe as expanding from a primieval explosion, dubbed the "Big Bang."

  • 1948: Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle advance "Steady State" or "Continuous Creation" theories, countering the Big Bang theory.

  • 1950: To explain the behavior of long-period comets, Van Oort proposes that a diffuse cloud of cometary bodies surrounds the solar system at a distance of 1 - 2 light-years.

  • 1951: Gerard Kuiper proposes a belt of cometary bodies beyond the orbit of Pluto to account for the origin of short-period comets.


PERSPECTIVE:  By the time humans themselves venture beyond the atmosphere of their home planet, the extent of the known universe has expanded exponentially.  It includes not just two galaxies, but millions, perhaps billions; the nearest, Andromeda, is 2,300,000 light-years (ly) distant.  The farthest detectable galaxies are on the order of 15,000,000,000 ly away.  And some of the most surprising news is yet to come.

  • 1957: Sputnik 1 (USSR), first artificial satellite launched into earth-orbit.

  • 1958: James Van Allen discovers two belts of ionized particles above the Earth's atmosphere.

  • 1958: Explorer 1 (NASA), first scientific satellite.

  • 1959: Luna 3 (USSR), provides first photographic images of the Moon's far side.

  • 1961: Vostok 1 (USSR), Yuri Gagarin becomes first human to travel in space.

  • 1962: Mariner 2 (NASA), first fly-by of the planet Venus.

  • 1963: Maarten Schmidt makes first discovery of a quasar.

  • 1965: Voskhod 2 (USSR), Aleksei Leonov becomes the first spacewalker.

  • 1965: Mariner 4 returns images during its fly-by of the planet Mars.

  • 1965: Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson detect 3°K background radio emission, confirming the Gamow-Alpher "Big Bang" theory.

  • 1966: Luna 9 returns images after the first "soft" landing on the Moon's surface.

  • 1967: Venera 4 (USSR), first successful exploration of the atmosphere of Venus.

  • 1967: Jocelyn Bell and Anthony Hewitt make the first discovery of a pulsar (a rapidly rotating neutron star).

  • 1968: Apollo 8 (NASA), first manned lunar orbit.

  • 1969: Apollo 11, first manned lunar landing; astronaut Neil Armstrong is the first human ever to set foot on another world.

  • 1970: Venera 7, first successful landing of a spacecraft on Venus. (It lasts but a few minutes before succumbing to the intense heat, pressure, and corrosive chemistry of the Venerian atmosphere.)

  • 1971: Mariner 9, first Mars orbiter.

  • 1971: The binary X-ray system Cygnus X-1, possibly containing a black hole, is discovered.

  • 1971: Stephen Hawking theorizes that mini-black-holes were generated shortly after the Big Bang.

  • 1973: Pioneer 10 (NASA), first exploration of the planet Jupiter.

  • 1974: Mariner 10, the first fly-by of the planet Mercury.

  • 1975: Venera 9, the first craft to orbit Venus and return images of its surface.

  • 1976: Viking 1 & 2 (NASA), the first soft landings on Mars.

  • 1979: Voyager 1 & 2 (NASA) fly by Jupiter; Voyager 1 reveals Jupiter's ring and a volcanic eruption on Jovian satellite Io.

  • 1979: Pioneer 11, first fly-by exploration of the planet Saturn.

  • 1979: Pluto reaches the 20-year "summertime" portion of its eccentric orbit, during which it is temporarily closer to the Sun than Neptune.

  • 1981: Space Shuttle (NASA) maiden voyage.

  • 1983: SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) radio-frequency monitoring is established.

  • 1983: IRAS (Infra-Red Astronomy Satellite) is launched.

  • 1983: Venera 15 returns the first radar maps of the Venerian surface.

  • 1986: Giotto space probe (NASA) makes a close encounter with comet Halley.

  • 1986: Soyuz T15 (USSR), first mission to space station Mir 1.

  • 1986: Voyager 2 (NASA), first fly-by exploration of the planet Uranus.

  • 1987: A supernova, bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye, occurs in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

  • 1989: Voyager 2, first fly-by exploration of the planet Neptune.

  • 1990: HST (Hubble Space Telescope) (NASA), first optical telescope in Earth orbit.

  • 1992: Charles Bailyn, Jeffrey McClintock, and Ronald Remillard identify Nova Muscae as a black hole approximately 18,000 light-years from Earth.

  • 1993: Jane Luu and David Jewitt discover four large ice objects beyond the orbit of Pluto, confirming the existence of the Kuiper belt.

  • 1994: HST observation of galaxy M87 furnishes first convincing evidence of a black hole.

  • 1994: Receding from the Sun, comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is shattered by the tidal forces of Jupiter's gravity, and its fragments subsequently collide with Jupiter, affording the first visual observation of the collision of two celestial objects.

  • 1994: The asteroid Apollo passes within 100,000 km of Earth.

  • 1995: The first comet-sized objects in the Kuiper belt are discovered.

  • 1995: Galileo (NASA), first Jupiter orbiter and first Jovian atmospheric probe.

  • 1997: Luu discovers a "worldlet," possibly a new class of object, orbiting the Sun between the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.

  • 1998: First two ISS (International Space Station) modules — Zarya (Russia) and Unity (U.S.) — launched.

  • 1999: Having been closer to the Sun than Neptune since 1979, Pluto once again takes its place as the most distant planet for the remainder of its 248 Earth-year orbit.

PERSPECTIVE:  As the science of astronomy and the mysticism of astrology had parted ways following the invention of the telescope, a similar divergence occurs between the science of astronomy and the technology of physical exploration.  However, in this case, the difference is one of focus rather than of fundamental dogma, for the sheer expense of putting humans and hardware into space forces government to take a major role in such efforts.  Consequently, there is a reexamination of priorities and a reallocation of resources, based more on economics, politics, and national prestige, than on scientific inquiry into the nature of the heavens.

  • 2004: Cassini (NASA) rendezvous with Saturn.

  • 2005: A tenth planet, its 558-year orbit inclined at 44 degrees to the ecliptic, is identified by Michael Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David Rabinowitz.

  • 2015: Laser Interferomer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detects gravitational waves generated by the collision of two black holes.

  • 2016: New Horizons (NASA) rendezvous with Pluto.


PERSPECTIVE:  (To be announced...)

Science: Data



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Because distances in space are so huge, they are awkward to express in terrestrial units.  The distance to even the nearest stars is too great to be stated conveniently in kilometers or miles; even within our solar system, distances range in the millions and billions of kilometers.  To make things easier, astronomers have devised units of distance which are more appropriate to the situation.

  • ASTRONOMIC UNIT (AU):  The mean radius of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, about 150,000,000 km.  Saturn, the most distant planet visible to the unaided eye, has an orbital radius of about 10 AU; Pluto's orbit has an average radius of about 39 AU.

  • LIGHT-YEAR (LY):  The distance light travels through a vacuum in one year, about 63,000 AU or 9,460,000,000,000 km.  The distance to the nearest visible star, Proxima Centauri, is about 4 ly; the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy, about 100,000 ly; the distance to the Andromeda galaxy, about 2,300,000 ly.

  • PARALLAX-SECOND or PARSEC (PC):  The distance at which an object shows a stellar parallax of one arc-second, or 3.258 light-years.  (Stellar parallax is the apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from opposite sides of the Earth's orbit around the Sun; the observed location of a star exactly 1 parsec from Earth would appear to shift 1 arc-second in measurments taken 6 months apart.)

The masses of planets and stars are also inconvenient to measure in ordinary units, such as killograms, pounds, and tons.  By using the mass of the planet Earth (about 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons) as a unit of measure, we can more easily express the mass of such objects as Jupiter (318 earth-masses) and the Sun (330,000 earth-masses).  Likewise, it is most convenient to express the masses of stars and other very massive objects in terms of the mass of our own Sun; the bright blue star Sirius weighs in at about 2.4 solar-masses, and a black hole may contain from 1.7 to many millions of solar-masses.


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Cepheid variables can be said to be the first measuring sticks of intergalactic distances.  Cepheids are stars which alternately dim and brighten very predictably over a fairly short period.  The name derives from the first example discovered, Delta Cephei in the constellation Cepheus, whose regular cycle of dimming and brightening lasts precisely 5.37 days.

In 1912 astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt conducted a study of hundreds of Cepheid variable stars located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (all of which could therefore be considered to be at virtually the same distance from Earth, at least for the purpose of gauging their brightness).  This study revealed a very tight correlation, between a Cepheid's cyclic period of dimming and brightening, and its average luminosity: the brighter the star, the longer its cycle.  Because of this, the absolute luminosity of a Cepheid can be determined from its cyclic period, and its apparent brightness can then be used as a measure of its relative distance from Earth.  Furthermore, because the absolute distance to some Cepheids has been reliably determined (by methods too complex to describe here), we can also therefore calculate the absolute distance to more distant Cepheids (and hence to groupings with which they may be associated, such as clusters or galaxies) with a high degree of precision.

Incidentally, since the 1912 study it has been noted that Cepheid variables are of two distinct types, termed "Population I" and "Population II," each having slightly different characteristics.  Consequently it has been necessary to recalibrate our "measuring stick" for each type.  Science marches on!


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The proper adjective for referring to each planet is derived from the genitive case of the planet's Latin name:





























 Terra (Earth)












Thus we speak of "the Martian ice caps" (not the Marsian ice caps) and "the Jovian satellites" (not the Jupiteran satellites).  Likewise, when referring to the planet Venus we should speak of "the Venerian atmosphere" and "the Venerian surface," though the improper term "Venusian" has gained wide acceptance, even among astronomers (who ought to know better).


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  • HALLEY:  Sir Edmund's surname is pronounced "HALL-ee" (sounds like "holly"); it rhymes with "golly," not with "gaily" or "galley."  The same applies to the comet which bears his name.

  • URANUS:  The correct English pronunciation of this planet's name is "YOOR-an-us," not "yoor-AY-nus."  (This has been the butt of so many asinine jokes it just isn't funny anymore!)


HST "Deep Field" image courtesy of NASA,
modified for use as background.