Spring 1999
Spring 1999


I was recently treated to a lucid dream. For those unfamiliar with the term, a lucid dream differs from a regular dream in that the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming, and not involved in a real-life experience. But perhaps my dream ought to be termed "semi-lucid," as will become apparent from my description of it.

In my dream I found myself on an excursion into the countryside on a bicycle. I had become lost, and found myself near a humble dwelling, where I sought directions. The occupants were very outgoing, and persuaded me to stay awhile and visit.

Eventually I struck out again on my tour, and presently came to the edge of a large lake, where I stopped to enjoy the view. As I pondered how I should best get to the opposite shore, there was a brilliant flash of light from across the lake. In a few seconds the glare subsided, and a mushroom-shaped cloud formed in its place. We had come under nuclear attack! My thought at that moment was to try to reach the lee side of a hill before the concussion and heat waves reached me, so I mounted my bike and sped back the way I had come, toward the home of my newfound friends. (Yes, I know! I'm trying to outrun — on a bicycle — a shock wave that should have overwhelmed me a few seconds after the initial flash. But this is a dream, remember?)

Upon reaching the house, I dismounted and ran inside to alert my friends to the attack, so that they might take steps to make themselves as secure as possible. But as I left them, I was aghast to find that my trusty bike had disappeared! I searched everywhere for my mechanical mount, to no avail.

Frustrated, I finally sat down and tried to deduce what had become of my machine. Had I searched everywhere that I could reasonably have left it? Yes, I was satisfied that I had thoroughly scoured the area. Could anyone have taken it? No, the only people in the vicinity were my friends — simple, honest folk — who would never steal anything. (Still dreaming, right? Bear with me!)

"Well, Dummy," I said to myself, "if no one took the bike, and if you've looked everywhere you could have left it, you are obviously only dreaming that the bike is missing. Therefore you should simply dream up a new bike and get the hell out of here before that shock wave arrives!"


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