The Chameleon
Yes, it's the same cat! When sunlit, Tippy's seal-brown
accents soften to the gray of a blue-point, with a hint of
"lynx" striping in his tail. His eyes, of course, are
Tippy is raucously playful, cannon-balling through the house,
where just about anything he encounters (including people)
becomes a toy.
A friend of ours once commented about scratch-and-bite marks, that it's
hard to tell whether a person's pet is a friendly cat or a mean
dog. And it certainly seems true for this little guy: he's
an energetic ball of tiny needles!
But he's also intensely affectionate. When he wants to
be held, he signals with an eep-oo! Once settled in
a warm lap, he gives out with a rattling purr loud enough to be
heard across the room.
Tippy - 8 May 2011
By the time Tippy has aged a few months, it's
clear that his eyes are changing color. Though still an
intense blue immediately around the pupils, the irises blend to
pale yellow at their perimeters. When his pupils contract,
the eye color at a distance appears soft blue-green.
The Chase (4 August 2011) |
1. A small brown tornado flashes through the house, momentarily coming
to rest on the back of the living room couch. Our wily guard-cat
has spotted an intruder: I spy a fly! |
2. Aha! Thought you were safely out of reach up here, did you?
A staccato of batting paws contains and stuns the insect. |
3. As the
battered fly struggles to get airborne and escape, Tippy the monkey-boy
does a pull-up on the window sash and snatches the prey in his teeth.
Gotcha! |
(And this solves the mystery of how and why the
wet-nose smudges get up there!) |
Wow, that was hard work! Time for a quick snooze...
Tippy is
outgrowing his little basket, but he made it clear he didn't like new,
larger one we bought him. He prefers his napping place "cozy,"
even though his legs, head, and tail overflow it when he stretches out.
Every cat is an individual, with his or her own
moods, preferences, and bag of tricks. Tippy, for example, is
the only cat I've known who loves to be petted while he's eating.
(Most cats prefer not to be handled at mealtime.).
Tippy also has some peculiar poses. Here he
relaxes in the study, but with an odd twist. Notice that he
rolls onto his right shoulder, while his posterior rolls to the left
instead. (He reverses the twist, too, so it's not scoliosis.
He's just a very flexible, adolescent kitty.)
In this picture, Tippy is seven months old.
His back fur is losing its kittenish paleness, and his points are
showing a blend of coloration: seal point and blue point, with
distinct lynx point rings around the tail—still with its trademark
white tip.
Now eleven-pound (5-kg.) "Mister Twister" sometimes even sleeps in this
With his spine wrapped into an almost 180-degree helix, and hind legs
apparently sprouting from his back, Tippy resembles
an escapee from Dr. Doolittle's menagerie! |
Ooh, wakey, wakey... |
What're you lookin' at? |
Note that, at two years of age, Tippy's eye color has
paled to a ghostly blue-gray.
By the middle of his sixth year, Tippy's coat has
darkened considerably, though his tail's distinctive tip is still
brilliant white.
At this point, he weighs in at 6.8 kg (15 lb) and counting, which might
explain why he seldom does the twist anymore.
No, the bluish glow above his head isn't an aura; it's just the glow
from the TV screen.