The Lounge  
07 Oct 2001

When Words Were Worth More

One of the things that changes dramatically over time is the way language and words are used.  In my grandfather's world, terms like "radio" and "aeroplane" were brand new, and "nuclear" and "antibiotic" were unheard of.  But perhaps of equal interest are those words which survive from generation to generation, but whose meanings change over the course of time.  Here are a few terms whose connotations have changed—some subtly, others dramatically—over the past half century.

(Please note that some of the following terms and definitions are not "politically correct," since they were from an age even before that term was invented.)

A-bomb n: the ultimate weapon
air n: a colorless, odorless gas that is healthful to breathe
air bag n: a politician
asylum n: a home for militiamen
babe n: an infant
bike n: a pedal-powered vehicle with two wheels
buffer n: a device for polishing floors
cancer n: a constellation in the zodiac
chip n: a flake of damaged paint
classic adj: of extraordinary design and quality that endures for decades or centuries
clothes dryer n: a length of rope stretched between a house and a garage
computer n: a mathematician
conservative adj: reserved; frugal
cool n: tepid
Empire State Building n: the tallest building in the world
Everest n: a mountain so high that no one has ever climbed to the top of it
eye pad n: a soft, absorbent, protective covering for an infected or injured eye
fag n: a cigarette
fan n: a device for keeping cool
father n: a man who lives with and supports his children and their mother
fox n: a small, wild carnivore
free n: without cost
fruit n: what you put on your breakfast cereal
genius n: a truly extraordinary talent; a person with such a talent
gift n: something presented or donated without thought of receiving anything in return
gay adj: festive
get it on v: what you do with your suit or dress in the morning
glue n: an adhesive
gospel n: truth
grass n: a plant legally used as a ground cover
great adj: superb (as distinct from merely satisfactory)
home n: a place of residence (as distinct from an unoccupied house)
incredible adj: incapable of being believed (as distinct from merely unusual)
lawn mower n: a hand-powered device for trimming grass
liberal adj: well rounded; generous
like adj: similar to; vt: to enjoy or be fond of
long distance call n: a telephone call that must be placed through an operator
made in Japan adj: inferior
made in USA adj: superior
memory n: a mental function for storing multiplication tables, rules of language, and points of etiquette
militiaman n. a state policeman
mother n: a woman who cares for her own and/or adopted children
news n: the reporting of noteworthy factual or authoritative information (as distinct from uninformed opinion and sensationalist gossip)
newspaper n: an unbound pulp periodical on which news, and occasionally pictures, are printed in black ink
party line n: a telephone line serving more than one residence
pick-up n: a small open truck used by laborers for light hauling
pot n: a ceramic or metal vessel for cooking
privy n: an unsanitary structure used for sanitary purposes
pussy n: a domestic feline
queer adj: peculiar
rap v: to strike sharply with the fingertips or knuckles
reefer n: a railroad refrigerator car
relative n: someone in your family tree
root directory n: a catalogue of tubers
seat belt n: a device to facilitate identification of the remains of air crash victims
security system n: a padlock and a large dog
soap n: a product for shaving, washing, and decorating windows
special effects n: Donald Duck getting caught in the sound track
sport vehicle n: a two-seat automobile characterized by an efficient engine, a manual transmission, and maneuverability and braking superior to that of a standard sedan
square adj: honest, fair
stereo n: a method for producing and viewing three-dimensional images
television n: a device for viewing black-and-white moving images broadcast from live sources of news and entertainment
train n: the most luxurious and reliable way to travel from city to city
van n: a large truck for moving household possessions
vibrator n: a device for generating the high voltage for radio vacuum tubes in cars, boats, and planes
water n: a colorless, odorless liquid that is healthful to drink
windows n: transparent devices for viewing through walls and providing ventilation