 20 Oct 2003 
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 10 Dec 2004 


The Potential of Proteomics

            Proteomics is a relatively new field in biology, having only had its very name coined in 1994.  However, as its name suggests, proteomics shares some common characteristics with an earlier project now well known as genomics, the study and mapping of the human genome, as well as the subsequent application of the patterns thereby established.  Proteomics attempts to do much the same thing, but with proteins rather than DNA.  Indeed, the terminology of genomics carries over to analogues in proteomics; for example, whereas a genome is a map of the genetic identity of an organism, a proteome is a map of the protein identities of an organism’s diverse cells and tissues.  Moreover, some of the key techniques, used to categorize and study the vast amounts of information in genomics, are finding new, analogous applications in processing the still vaster volume of information indigenous to proteomics.

            So what is proteomics?  What does it do?  What purpose does it serve?  Specific definitions vary, but in general distilled form, proteomics might be described as the identification of all the proteins manufactured by the cells in each human tissue, the determination of each protein’s precise three-dimensional molecular structure, and the study of how the various proteins function and interact.  But considering that proteins exhibit characteristic differences, not only from person to person (as do genes), but even from tissue to tissue in the same individual, we might well ask why we should want to undertake such a colossal task.  Aside from natural curiosity, the reasons range from the lofty—innovation in the treatment of diseases and disorders—to the mundane—plain old dollars-and-cents.  By identifying and targeting specific key proteins, proteomics offers a way simultaneously to fine-tune and to accelerate the development, testing, and approval of new drugs, featuring greater effectiveness and fewer side-effects, while at the same time keeping costs tolerable.

            With the continuing escalation in drug development costs, recovery from failures, and efforts to recoup costs before patents expire, the industry has come to view the prohibitive pricing of new drugs as the only way to maintain its profitable attractiveness to investors.  Indeed, the situation has evolved as a dual crisis, with the health of patients pitted against the health of the pharmaceutical industry.  As Jessica Cutter of Morgan Stanley observes in a Scientific American article, “Pharmaceutical companies are dependent on proteomics and like technologies to overhaul their entire drug development process, or they will not survive (Ezzell, 42).”  Proteomics is seen as a promising way to ameliorate this unfortunate state of affairs, if not to overcome it entirely.[1]

            Proteomics does not furnish us a free ride, however.  For one thing, the enormous job of cataloguing the human proteome has been characterized as dwarfing the earlier genome project—which took several years to complete.  Indeed, the expression, “Genes were easy!” has become a cliché in the field.  The magnitude of the proteome project becomes apparent only when we understand that the number of distinct proteins generated by each cell is many times the number of genes in the entire genome.  Even so, some researchers have expressed hope of having the human proteome mapped in a relatively short period of three years, in part with the help of equipment and techniques adapted from the genome project and other fields.

            Besides the sheer magnitude of the task, other obstacles include the difficulty of some processes and the cost and availability of necessary equipment.  Proteomic analysis relies heavily upon a difficult and delicate process known as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.  To make this slow-throughput 2-D gel process both speedier and more reliable, and to accommodate the vast volume of material and data, at least one research facility is making use of high-precision robotic technology adapted from the automotive industry.  An alternative (and in some cases an adjunct) is mass spectrometry; however, this requires a machine with a price tag of half a million dollars, which even then has a tendency to miss certain types of proteins.  But despite its drawbacks, mass spectrometry is so far responsible for the lion’s share of raw data for proteomics.  In just one example, according to Bio-IT World, “Caprion's eight instruments run around the clock, and generate 60GB of data per machine, per hour (Branca).”  Yet another crucial tool of proteomics is x-ray crystallography, used to determine the three-dimensional configurations of protein molecules.  Until recently, this process required access to dedicated x-ray beams, available only at a few research sites equipped with huge and costly synchrotrons.  However, recently developed x-ray lasers now enable the process to be performed in ordinary laboratories.  Now, to gather and organize all of this information—let alone track the myriad interactions—would have been a hopelessly overwhelming task just a few years ago.  It demands immense computer resources and comprehensive routines, capable of evaluating and integrating multi-dimensional arrays of data.  To this end, highly effective microarray software employed in the genomics project is being enhanced and adapted to the exponentially more complex requirements of proteomics.

            Once this mountain of information has been neatly organized, catalogued, and cross-referenced on multiple levels, how can we use it?  One of the primary goals is to identify and target proteins specifically characteristic of foreign agents or disordered cells, turning them either “off” (as to terminate growth of cancerous tumors) or “on” (as to restore pancreatic function in diabetics).  In this way, a proteomically tailored drug can home in on specific cells or agents, without affecting healthy cells or other body systems.  This would represent a gigantic stride forward from radiative and chemical therapy techniques of today, which tend to produce severe “collateral damage” to neighboring healthy tissue or even throughout the body.  Indeed, it is conceivable that protein-targeted drugs might be developed for the non-invasive treatment of many systemic problems, such as digestive, endocrine, or neural disorders.

            Of course, treatment is only one side of the coin.  While traditional “shotgun” treatment of a general class of agents and disorders often produces tolerable results—usually with some side effects—the precise identification of a problem permits more effective treatment with less guesswork.  In addition to its therapeutic rewards, proteomics offers the opportunity to diagnose existing disorders precisely.  Yet even this is not the whole of it:  Through general screening, proteomics might even allow us to identify potential problems in individuals—susceptibility to breast cancer or renal disorder, for example—years in advance, thus allowing early, preventive treatment of such potential conditions.  Indeed, the remarkably precise diagnostic potential of proteomics has already been demonstrated.  According to a Scientific American article (citing results of a study published in Lancet),  “…in 116 samples, that protein “fingerprint” picked out every woman with ovarian cancer, including 18 early cases, and designated 63 out of 66 healthy women as disease-free (McCook, 16).”

            Questions arise, though, about whether it is desirable to pre-diagnose and treat possible problems, many of which may never actually manifest themselves.  Should we go to the effort and expense of “immunizing” people against all sorts of potential disorders, many of which will never become actual problems?  Or if not, is it ethical to burden people with the knowledge that they have, say, a slight tendency toward Alzheimer’s disease, thus perhaps inflicting upon them and their loved ones inordinate long-term anxiety—indeed, the attendant disorders produced by anxiety itself?  Would we simply be trading one set of problems for another?

            The “right” answers to such questions may vary from individual to individual.  Many, no doubt, would welcome the chance to ward off, in advance, as many potential health problems as possible, freeing them to address life’s more pleasant or stimulating challenges with less distraction.  Yet there are others who are averse to “knowing too much” about their own futures, and who would prefer to play life’s cards as they are dealt.  Another question, one that hits us squarely in the pocket book, is whether medical insurance should pay for prognostication and (possibly unneeded) preventive treatment.  The answer to this may well distill from practical experience, of whether it turns out to be most cost-effective to provide blanket preventive treatment, selective prevention for high-risk cases, or case-by-case corrective care.  These are answers we simply cannot know until we have all the necessary facts.  Nevertheless, as in other fields of scientific inquiry dealing with fundamental issues, it is important that we proceed with research, so that whatever decisions we must make can be informed.

[1] A related issue is that of exploiting short-term advances during the course of the long-term project—a bread-and-butter aspect somewhat overlooked during the genome project, to the dismay of some corporate boards.  In contrast, in proteomics there is a conscious effort to allow participating companies and institutions to make profitable use of information as it is obtained and processed, so that the project can sustain and support itself to some extent, even as it runs its course.

Works Cited

Branca, Malorye. “The Proteomics Odyssey.” Bio-IT World 13 August 2002. <>.

Ezzell, Carol. “Proteins Rule.” Scientific American April 2002: 42 - 47.

McCook, Alison. “Lifting the Screen.” Scientific American June 2002: 16-17.


This undergraduate paper was submitted on 20 October 2003 for academic credit in Principles of Biology.  The professor requested copies to serve as examples for other students.  Since the scientific content is not particularly noteworthy, I must suppose that it is the writing itself—technique, structure, vocabulary, style, and so forth—as well as my attempt to convey a sense of immediate pertinence to the reader, which is of interest. 

The paper is written in MLA format (except for margin justification) using Microsoft Word®.

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