What Reasoning Is and How
It Works
When the term reasoning is called to
mind, we might think of what's rather facetiously known as
sense, which in many cases turns out neither to be very common nor
to have much to do with the senses, but rather with established
practices and prejudices. Or we might think of
rhetoric, that ancient
art of crafty persuasion that appeals to emotion,
and is used at least as often to mislead as to lead. But in this
work, we prefer to think of true reasoning as the methodical connecting
of evidence and related ideas in such a way as to lead systematically
and convincingly to an ultimate implication or inference. This
disciplined approach to reasoning is known as logic. It's
also referred to as critical
thinking, particularly when the task at hand is investigating
traditional, popular, or authoritarian assumptions.
We use so-called commonsense reasoning mostly
when we're just following established procedure without worrying much
about how or why. We use rhetorical reasoning to persuade others
of a viewpoint, generally assuming it to be true on the basis of its
appeal and popularity, rather than on a sober and impartial consideration of
factual evidence. We use logic when our real need is to learn what
is consistent, real, and true—even when reality and truth turn out
not to be as pleasant or appealing as we might like.
Statements—the Building Blocks of Reasoning
Basic Grammar
Although it used be standard procedure to teach
English grammar in American public schools, this appears no longer to be
the case. Therefore, because the workings of logic correlate
to grammatical construction, we must undertake a brief review
of (or for some, an introduction to) basic grammar principles, in the
context of how they apply to reasoning.
What a statement is, and
what it isn't A statement is a declarative
sentence that makes a claim.
"You are looking at my cat." |
declarative |
states a claim, is a statement |
that do not make claims, such as interrogatives, directives, and
exclamations, are not statements.
"Why are you looking at my cat?" |
interrogative |
asks a question; is not a statement |
"Please look at my cat." |
directive |
gives an order or makes a request;
is not a statement |
"Holy cats!" |
exclamation |
expresses emotion or surprise; is
not a statement |
Truth value
In logic, a statement evaluates as either true or false.
This condition of being true or false is called a statement's truth
value. Questions, directives, and exclamations make no claims.
So they are neither true nor false, and thus have no truth value.
Only statements, either individually or as interrelated groups, have
truth values. Furthermore, only well-formed statements, i.e.,
those which are not inherently nonsensical, can have truth values.
(Thus, when we speak of "logical statements" we mean only "well-formed
"Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S. president." |
The truth value
of this statement is true. Lincoln was indeed the 16th
U.S. president under the nation's present constitution. |
Lincoln was born in Lincoln, Nebraska." |
The truth value
of this statement is false. Lincoln was born in
Kentucky. |
"Abraham Lincoln was born in Lincoln, Nebraska,
and also was the 16th U.S. president." |
Though it's true
that Lincoln was the 16th U.S. president, it's false that he was
born in Lincoln, Nebraska. Since this statement asserts that
both claims are true when in fact one is false, the truth value of
statement as a whole is false. |
raining in Lincoln, Nebraska." |
The truth value
of this statement might be unknown to anyone outside Lincoln,
Nebraska, but it's still either true (if it is actually
raining there) or false (if it isn't actually raining there). |
a rock on the moon that resembles
Abraham Lincoln." |
The truth value of this statement
might never be known; however, in reality there either is or is not
such a rock on the moon. The statement's truth value is
true if there is such a rock there, or false if there
isn't, regardless whether anyone knows about it. |
"The President of Nebraska is Abraham
"Nebraska is zero." |
These two statements have no truth values because
they're nonsensical. In the first example, there's no such
thing as "the President of Nebraska." In the second, "zero"
isn't a meaningful quality of Nebraska. |
While on the topic of truth
value, it belabors the obvious to state that
truth itself is the quality of an idea's being in close accord with an accepted standard of reference. However, what
is often not so obvious is that accepted standards vary with context.
Standards of truth are typically dogma with respect to ideology,
coherently consistent reasoning with respect to logic, and
observed evidence of reality with respect to empiricism. We
should be aware that such differences in standards sometimes lead to
conflicting notions of truth. Methods of dealing with such
conflicts include compartmentalization (the mental segregation of
opposing lines of thought into exclusive categories), reconciliation
(the reinterpretation of ideas in a way—such as compromise—that renders
the conflict effectively moot), and resolution (the use of evidence and
reason to determine which concept of truth is most consistent, both with
itself and with reality).
Parts of a statement:
subject and predicate A statement consists of two
major parts: a subject and a
predicate. The subject of a statement
contains a noun or pronoun indicating the person, place, thing, or
concept that the statement is about. The predicate contains a
verb specifying an action or state of being, plus other
material indicating what the subject is or does, or what happens to the
subject. In the statement, "John has a long mustache," "John" is a
noun, which is the name of the subject of the statement. The
statement's predicate is "has a long mustache." The statement is
about "John;" "has" is the predicate's verb; and "a long mustache"
specifies what it is that John has. In each of the following statements, the
subject is highlighted in yellow, and the predicate in aqua:
The ugly
duckling has become a
beautiful swan.
The waiter is clumsy.
The dog
chases the ball.
The ball
is chased by the dog.
agent-patient relationship Note in the last example that, although the dog
is still doing the chasing, the verb in this case isn't "chases," but
"is chased," and it's the ball, not the dog, which "is chased."
Therefore, in this case "the ball" is the subject, even though it receives the action
rather than performs it. This illustrates what's called
an agent-patient relationship. In such a relationship, the
agent is always the entity performing an action, while the patient is
always the entity upon which the action is performed. Whether the
dog chases the ball or the ball is chased by the dog, the relationship
is the same: the dog is doing the chasing and is thus the agent, while
the ball is being chased and is therefore the patient. (Sometimes
it happens that the agent and the patient are the same thing, in which
case we use a reflexive pronoun to indicate that they're identical.
For example, in the statement, "Joe injures himself," Joe is the one
both causing and receiving the injury. Thus, the agent is Joe,
and the patient is himself—poor Joe again.)
Active and passive mood
it's the agent that's the subject of most statements, that's not always
the case. The difference depends on whether the statement is in
active or passive mood. In active mood, the subject is the agent (in this
case the dog), the acting entity: "The dog chases the ball." In
passive mood, the subject is
the patient (the ball), the entity acted upon: "The ball is
chased by the dog." In some cases, passive mood can be used to
express a relationship in which the speaker or writer either doesn't know, or
doesn't choose to reveal, the identity of the agent: "The ball is chased."
Function versus syntax
In the normal syntax (word order) of English
statements, the subject typically precedes the predicate. However
(often in poetry), the normal word order sometimes gets shuffled. Consider:
"Beneath the spreading chestnut tree the village smithy stands."
If we assumed, simply because of its position in the statement, that
"the spreading chestnut tree" is the subject, we'd be mistaken.
It's not the relative positions of subject and predicate, but rather the
functional relationship between the two, that determines which is which.
Here the main verb of the statement is "stands," and clearly it's the smithy, not the tree, that's doing the standing.
(Indeed, there would be no meaningful difference if we were to shuffle
things even further, as in "Beneath the spreading chestnut tree stands
the village smithy." Therefore, "the village smithy" is
truly the subject, and "beneath the
spreading chestnut tree" is simply a part of the predicate that
clarifies where the smithy "stands." If we rearrange the sentence
in standard syntax, we get: "The village smithy
stands beneath the spreading chestnut tree"—a bit less charming and
colorful, but more like what we'd
expect to hear—if smithies hadn't been replaced by auto repair shops a century
ago. (Besides, in a different configuration, "stands" wouldn't be
the final word in this line of the poem, and thus there'd be no rhyme
for "hands" in the next line. But that's beside the point in this
discussion of grammar.)
Arguments—Linking Statements to Make a Point
Most people tend to think of an argument as a
kind of dispute, ranging from a heated difference of opinion to wild
accusations, insults, mayhem, and general ill will. In logic,
however, argument is none of the above. Logical
argument is the
connecting of related statements in such a way that, taken together,
they coherently lead step-by-step to an ultimate claim, commonly called a
conclusion, since it typically occurs at or near the end of an
argument. Although logical arguments are often used in an effort to resolve
disputes, sometimes they don't involve any sort of disagreement at all,
but simply constitute methodical support for, and confirmation of,
widely accepted ideas. And sometimes logical argumentation is
simply used as a tool to discover truth, as by reasoning through a
problem to which the solution isn't initially known; indeed, careful
reasoning might reveal the solution to be something wholly
What are linkages, and
what role do they play? To see what's meant by logically related
statements, consider this timeworn example:
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
So, Socrates is mortal.
The first statement presents two concepts to be
considered: men and mortal. The second statement
introduces another concept, Socrates, and links it to one of the
concepts, men, introduced in the first statement. The third
statement then links the new concept, Socrates, to the other
initial concept, mortal.
To some readers this might seem so
simple and instinctive as to be hardly worth mentioning. The
logical linkages that methodically lead from assumptions and evidence to
a conclusion are what make an argument coherent. Yet many people
(even some who are supposedly well educated) apparently have little, if any,
inkling of how to interlink ideas.
Their notion of making a point is simply to throw out assertion after
assertion, with no attempt to show either how these ideas are supported
by evidence or how they're logically interrelated, let alone how they
lead to a conclusion. This isn't reasoning; it's simply preaching.
Still, many people are eagerly taken in by it, and so it
persists. An argument whose statements are not adequately linked
is incoherent.
Functions of statements
within an argument A statement that introduces information
or a relationship is
called a premise. Kinds of
information and relationships stated in premises include assertions, beliefs, evidence,
facts, judgments, relationships, speculation, and more. A statement that expresses the overall
implication or inference of an argument's combined and interconnected premises is called a
A conclusion presents an idea that is shown to be very probably or even
inescapably true, by the information and linkages provided by
the premises.
Very often, arguments contain material that
serves functions other than premises and conclusion. These include
analogies, clarifications, definitions, descriptions, examples,
explanations, illustrations, limitations, rhetoric, refutation of
challenges, and other material. Technically, these aren't part of
the line of reasoning, but are intended to assist in understanding the
In the real world, most arguments run somewhat
longer than three simple sentences, and sometimes there are multiple lines
of linkage that converge at some point prior to the conclusion.
Aside from formal tradition, there are no hard and fast rules that
determine each statement's exact position in an argument. As to
the conclusion, perhaps
most often it comes near the end of an argument, after the various
premises have led up to it. But sometimes (particularly when it's
anticipated that the target audience will agree readily), the conclusion
is presented first, and the premises are then added to provide
explanation and justification. Occasionally, the conclusion is
found somewhere in the middle of an argument, or it may appear more than
once, bolstered both before and after by different trains of
thought. Sometimes, an argument is more effective when parallel
lines of linkage are pursued concurrently a step at a time. But
when our primary interest is in clarity rather than some other effect,
an argument is usually easiest to follow when each line of thought is
traced individually from start to finish, or at least to a point where
the various lines converge.
A note of caution
We can't do much about how others manipulate reasoning for less
than ethical purposes, except to be aware of various common ploys.
For some, their business is preying on the
gullible, their method is deception, and their sole ethical guideline is
whatever they can get away with. But as for ourselves, we ought not to use artful
wordings or arrangements of material in an effort to disguise weaknesses
in an argument. If what we seek is truth, then we should look to
the strength and sufficiency of our evidence, and the solidity of the
logical framework we build upon it. If what we seek isn't truth,
if we can successfully argue our point only through deception,
diversion, and deliberate omission, then we ought to
reconsider whether that point is actually one worth making. In a
few cases—thwarting a criminal, for example—perhaps such tactics would
be justified. But when we're dealing with honest people, we ought
to behave in good faith ourselves, and that means being open and honest
about both the strong and weak points in our reasoning.
Assumptions, Facts, and Evidence
Human knowledge is plentiful, but there are
rather severe limits on what we can know with absolute certainty—for
example, that we (by direct experience) exist, or that a triangle (by
definition) is a geometric figure with exactly three straight sides.
Most of what we assume to be factual knowledge we've gleaned from
observations made using our imperfect sensory apparatus and filtered
through our cultural and personal biases, or we've learned from sources
we're inclined to trust despite hidden agendas and sometimes spotty expertise.
Assumptions are ideas that we're prepared to
consider true, despite that support for their being true might be
insufficient or lacking altogether. Assumptions include what we
believe or speculate, and even much of what we presume we know, but
would be hard pressed to verify against an impartial standard.
strictly speaking, are ideas that are independently verifiable by an
impartial observer. However, most people aren't that demanding about what
they call "facts." So we're well justified in challenging
any alleged fact unless and until we're satisfied that it is indeed
independently verified. If it isn't verifiable, then it's an
assumption, not a fact. The same goes for any subjective
interpretation or evaluation of a fact: to the extent that it's
subjective, it's an assumption, not a fact.
Evidence encompasses many sorts of facts and
data—physical, mathematical, recorded, and so forth.
Evidence is a
term we typically apply to things that furnish independent, plausible support for
believing something to be true. For example, fossilized bones are
physical evidence of ancient creatures; the divisibility of all even
numbers by two is mathematical evidence that two itself is the only even
prime number; the religiously critical writings of Jefferson and
Madison are evidence that some of the most prominent founders of the United
States weren't Christians. (Note that writing constitutes evidence
that an idea has been believed, but not that the belief is true.)
Deductive versus Inductive Reasoning
and induction are often described as two
progressions of reasoning. Deduction progresses from the general
to the particular, while Induction progresses from the particular to
the general. While this isn't always the case, it's true in most
instances, and so should be good enough for our purposes. Consider
the following sample premise as a starting point:
All life forms we've observed are carbon-based.
What can we make of this? We could
consider it as either a particular or a general statement, depending on
where we'd like to go with it. To use it as general evidence of something
more particular, we could work toward a conclusion like:
So, humans are carbon-based.
On the other hand, to use it as particular evidence of
something more general, we might work toward a broader conclusion, such
So, all life forms are carbon-based.
Of these two conclusions, the first,
illustrating deduction, is based on an unspoken second premise: Humans
are a life form we've observed. The second, an example of
induction, requires a slight leap of faith, based on the plausible
assumption that the same pattern, which we've observed without exception
in each of the millions of life forms so far studied, most probably
holds true as well for any life forms we haven't yet observed.
Deductive reasoning
uses generally known and accepted truths to establish a specific point.
We use deduction to demonstrate or prove particular ideas to be either true or
false. Our earlier example, All men are mortal, and Socrates is a man;
so, Socrates is mortal, is an example of deductive reasoning.
It begins with a general statement, All men are mortal, which we
may suppose to be universally true, since no exceptions have been
observed and confirmed. From this premise, the argument progresses
toward the case of a particular individual, Socrates, who, being a
man, we may deduce to be mortal. If the argument is valid (it is),
and if all of its premises are true, then we can say, with the same
degree of certainty that we know the premises are true, that the
conclusion must also be true.
Inductive reasoning
works in the opposite direction, starting from some
particular things that are known and progressing toward a broader truth about similar things
of the same general kind. We use induction to figure out general
patterns from representative sample observations and relationships.
Physicist Isaac Newton famously developed his general laws of motion from
observations of individual physical objects.
Subsequently, he inferred his principle of universal gravitation by
applying those laws to the motions of the planets (as previously recorded
by Johannes Kepler), guided by an assumption that the principles of physics are
constant throughout the natural universe. In contrast to
implications of deductive reasoning, the conclusive inferences of an inductive argument
are never an air-tight
certainty, but rather a matter of statistics.
Inductive arguments are often perched on
statistical probabilities, or on the supposed reliability of an expert
authority. With probabilities, our confidence in an
inductive conclusion depends on how many examples we've observed and how
consistent they are with the pattern we propose to establish, and on
whether we've adequately accounted for any examples that deviate
significantly from the expected pattern. With authority, the case
hinges on whether the source is indeed a confirmed reliable authority in
the field in question, and to what degree that authority might be
fallible. In either case, there is a possibility that the
argument's conclusion could turn out to be false in some instances, even
when the probability leans strongly toward truth.
(Fans of Sherlock Holmes will be devastated to
learn that their fictional hero's forte was not deduction, but rather
induction, as in the shrewd assessment of the highest probability from
an assortment of plausible alternative possibilities. There is always a chance
that an answer with the highest probability—if even a minuscule fraction
less than 100 percent—is not the correct one.)
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Next: Interpretation and