George W. Bush said

"A candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief."
[President George W. Bush, 27 October 2004]
We wholeheartedly agree, and applaud Mr. Bush's long overdue embrace of reality...
  • especially since it was Bush himself who deliberately misused intelligence, which he had been warned by experts was obsolete and unreliable, as an excuse to invade Iraq to hunt for non-existent weapons of mass destruction and fictitious ties to Islamic terrorists;
  • and especially since it was Bush himself who also deliberately ignored sound intelligence and expert advice about the most probably grim and costly outcome of such an adventure, which has been borne out in reality;
  • and most especially since Bush did his conclusion-jumping-without-knowing-the-facts (or even knowing yet deliberately disregarding them), not as a mere candidate, but as leader of the armed forces, holder of the public trust, and solemnly sworn defender of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Mr. President:

Now that you've just told Americans precisely why they don't want you as commander in chief, we trust you'll conscientiously do your patriotic duty, since you yourself have made the issue so clear:

Immediately apologize and pay restitution to all who have suffered loss as a result of your jumping to conclusions without knowing the facts.

Then, knowing by your own criteria that you are unfit to be commander in chief, abandon your bid for reelection, and resign the presidency.

We sincerely thank you for your belated candor.
Don't let the White House door hit you in the brains on your way out!

 More about the Texas Chainsaw Presidency! 
Election 2004: Bush | Bush-Whacked | The Bush League | Faith-Based Initiatives | Fuzzy Math | War against Terror THE WORLD | What Bush's Tax Cuts Mean to You and Me | Reasons to Vote for G.W.Bush
George W. Bush said WHAT?